Marie-Louise Clark
A creative communications professional, Marie-Louise, brings nearly 18 years of expertise in media relations, strategic branding and planning, writing, project management, marketing, and event planning to Activa PR. Always results focused, Marie-Louise regularly secures coverage for her clients at media outlets such as USA Today, and KRON TV, ABC, and NBC as well as at numerous trade and Internet publications. Prior to Activa PR, Marie-Louise was with Rocket Science PR where in 2003 she helped elevate Rocket Science PR client, F-Secure’s Mikko Hypponen, to international cyber celebrity status during a US press tour. The top-tier of major US dailies, TV stations as well as high-level lifestyle magazines wrote about F-Secure. BusinessWeek referred to Mikko and his team of researchers in Finland: “Mikko Hypponen and his band of Finnish computer virus hunters”; the New York Times called them “Sleuths”; and “the Code Warriors” was the name Vanity Fair gave them. Marie-Louise’s work on the F-Secure account helped Rocket Science PR win the 2004 Bulldog Reporter’s Bulldog Award for Excellence in Media Relations and Publicity, the Beacon Gold Award, and the Mar-Com Creative Awards. Another client, Niebaum-Coppola Winery, revenue’s increased by 200% during the holidays because of her innovative cross marketing/publicity campaign. Previously, Marie-Louise was a senior member of the team at the Antenna Group⎯ a hi-technology public relations firm in San Francisco. There, she managed the Elemental Software and Linuxcare, Inc. accounts. Focusing primarily on media relations, and strategic development and direction, Marie has led a number of successful company and product launches and media and analyst tours for her clients. A native of Northern California, Marie-Louise earned a degree in Political Science from San Francisco State University and a graduate certificate in Public Relations from George Washington University.